Thing 2: Learning 2.0

Wowza!  I am behind!  The Stephen Abram's video was posted in 2007, and I'm only now figuring out the importance of Web 2.0 and Learning 2.0 pieces and he was talking about it 2 years ago.  I'm excited that I have a chance to dig into the programs.  I'm also glad that he explained the importance of not simply reading about these great on-line applications, but the need to use them.  It's what I try to pass on to my students all year!

The video clip on Shifted Librarian was amazing!  Again, it reiterates what Abram's was explaining.  What is that famous quote?  Something about "if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem."  Makes me think that if I'm not moving ahead, meeting the needs of my students, then I'm holding them back in a way.


Todd J. Humble said...

Stuff moves fast... Watch the video 5,000 days on youtube at least the beginning anyways to realize how fast internet access assumptions have changed regarding data and services.

I am here to ssist if you need help on any of the things.

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