Thing 22: Developing Your Own 23 Things

I can't wait to share all the new technology available for libraries! I was planning to send my school librarian the link to my 23 Things blog so she could browse through the applications I was introduced to this summer. I am absolutely going to suggest that we create a Facebook page for the library and advertise it to the kids. I would be willing to help keep it updated with announcements about new books, links to websites we want the kids to know about and maybe even some book discussion. I'm also really hoping, along with my tech dept. member on campus, that students can all sign up for a Google account to begin using Google Docs. I'm already planning to speak to my principal about this. She is an advocate for technology integration and this would be one more skill the students can learn. I think it will be such an easy way to move documents between students and staff without messing with our network folders and such. And of course, in my own classroom, I want to push podcasts and perhaps wikis to get students creating and discussing and LEARNING in a Web 2.0 way that they will enjoy and gain so much from. I'm excited to share what I've learned this summer!


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